вторник, 7 января 2020 г.


The fraction of dry air multiplied by the dry air mole fraction will give the actual air constituent mole fraction. Korellis, Dynegy Generation F. Adjustments that adversely affect the stability of a primary measurement during a test are not permitted. At least three samples should be taken start, middle, and end of test if the gas supply composition is consistent. Descriptions of acceptable devices for measurement of moisture content are discussed below: The data sheets should each identify the data point, test site location, date, time, data collector, collection times, and data collected. As an alternative, a combined uncertainty calculation for simultaneous tests for both heat balance methods can be determined. asme ptc 19.5 pdf

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The request should identify the Code, the paragraph, figure or table number sand be written as a Question pt Reply in the same format as existing Cases.

(PDF) Gas Turbine Heat Recovery Steam Generators ASME PTC | Satriyo Baskoro -

The HRSG outlet gas molar flow must also include the molar flow of air or steam associated with the burner operation. Guidance on estimating systematic uncertainty is included in Section 4. The fuel net heating value is the sum of the fuel gas ideal heating value and the fuel sensible heat. For damper with seal air system, leakage means infiltration of seal air that will result in reduced exhaust gas pdt entering HRSG.

asme ptc 19.5 pdf

Calculate the partial pressure of water in the gas by multiplying this vapor pressure times the relative humidity and dividing by The duty associated with a stream crossing the boundary going to the HRSG would be negative.

The quality assurance program should also be made available during such a visit. The air composition is determined from the ambient conditions as described in para.

asme ptc 19.5 pdf

There are no specific requirements for the number of integrated readings. Calculate the vapor pressure psia of water or ice at the wet bulb temperature by the following equation: Calculate the fraction of dry air by subtracting the partial pressure of water from the atmospheric pressure and dividing this difference by the atmospheric pressure. Requests that are not in this format will be rewritten in this format by the Committee prior to being answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request.


asme ptc 19.5 pdf

The user shall as,e with the bypass damper manufacturer to resolve all issues associated with the leakage rate. Any environmental control system must be operating and within normal parametric ranges, gas flow, inlet and outlet emission concentrations, pH, and solid and liquid concentrations. Redundant instruments should be used as practical to reduce overall test uncertainty.

Correspondence should be addressed to: The air enthalpy is calculated by using the air composition from Step 1 in para. Representatives from each of the parties to the test, who are to observe the test and confirm that it was conducted in accordance with the test procedures, shall be identified.

The heat of combustion used in all calculations is the lower heating value.

Reasons for a preliminary run include the following: The pressure drop in coils for heating water is proportional to the water flow squared. It is not the intent of this correction to adjust the steam temperature asje the purpose of comparison to a predicted steam temperature, rather only to adjust the flow on a consistent energy basis.

A less desirable alternative is to establish a flow by heat balance. The impact on steam flow or temperature can be presented as a multiplier or absolute difference.

ASME PTC 19.5-2004 Flow Measurement - Performance Test Codes

There may be other sources, and not all sources listed are applicable to all measurements: This model would be able to predict the steam capacity that should be produced for the test conditions.

Manual instruments shall be located so that they can be read with precision and convenience by the observer. With the calculated gas flow and composition along with other measured test data, the predicted capacity can be determined for the test conditions. 19.55 only unknown is the balance of airflow, which can be solved directly.

ASME PTC Flow Measurement - Performance Test Codes [PDF] - Все для студента

Friedman, Vice Chair J. Examples include safe access to test point locations, availability of suitable utilities and safe work areas for personnel, as well as potential damage to instrumentation or calibration shifting due to extreme ambient conditions such as temperature or vibration. The duty associated with any stream injected into the gas stream such as augmenting air or atomizing steam must be calculated by multiplying the stream flow times the stream enthalpy.

If the measurement is to be made in direct sunlight, the sensor must be enclosed by a double-wall shield that permits the air to be drawn across the sensor and between the walls. Sometimes stream flows are not measured directly.

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