вторник, 7 января 2020 г.


Z-axis is motorized, and the gap between mask and wafer is programmable from 0 to microns. Continuous motorized rotation RPM with controller. Sputtering is a mechanism by which atoms are dislodged from the surface of a material as a result of collision with high-energy particles. The Diener Asher is a RF plasma barrel reactor designed for stripping, etching and cleaning. Therefore, high etch rate can be achieved together with control over selectivity and damage. Accommodates substrates up to 3" diameter. elphy quantum

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Alternatively, the system can be equipped with a laser diode at nm, making it possible to expose standard resists and UV resists such as SU Nano Imprint Lithography NIL is an emerging lithographic technology that promises high throughput patterning of nanostructures.

Lithography - Fakultätszentrum für Nanostrukturforschung - Wiki der Universität Wien

Once in the chamber, the wafer is placed onto a helium-cooled chuck during the process. Gas handling of argon, oxygen, and nitrogen. The system enables stress control, high uniformity, tunable index and conformal SiN x films. The system is designed to etch a mm 4 in. Therefore, high etch rate can be achieved together with control over selectivity and damage.

NIL intrinsically has better dimensional control that can be achieved using conventional UV lithography.

elphy quantum

The instrument has vertical resolution in nanometers and horizontal resolution as small as twenty nanometers. Z-axis is motorized, and the gap between mask and wafer is programmable from 0 to microns. NIL can significantly simplify the production of nanostructures using a wide variety of materials.

Sputtering is a mechanism by which atoms are dislodged from the surface of a material as a result of collision with high-energy particles. Substrate holder with the following features: The gases used are Oxygen and Argon. The GUI based control software makes it easy for users to convert the designs, perform a manual or automatic alignment and start the exposure.

SEM lithography made easy

Continuous motorized rotation RPM with controller. SCIL elhy a sequential imprinting principle that is based on capillary forces instead of backside pressure, which minimizes air inclusions even on large areas, ensuring highest uniformity.

elphy quantum

The Diener Asher is a RF plasma barrel reactor designed for stripping, etching and cleaning. The system enables different applications such as annealing, oxidation and nitridation. The quantkm autofocus system monitors and corrects focus position during exposure, which guarantees high resolution and repeatability over the entire exposure area. Accommodates substrates up to 3" diameter.

SEM accessories to enhance your SEM or FIB-SEM

The standard system is equipped with a diode laser at nm, which presents a reliable laser source with a long lifetime. Low suantum RF option included Plasma Therm. The term RTP applies to equipment that processes wafers at high throughput due to the ability to ramp temperature up and down in a matter of seconds.

Our laboratory ekphy three chemical hoods each is dedicated to different process: The exposure wavelength is UV range nm. The ellipsometer enables one to accurately measure thickness and optical constants of thin filmsimultaneously and is used for characterization of a variety of materials e. The system offers a raster-scan and vector exposure mode for high resolution 2D patterns and in addition it is also possible to create complex 3D structures in thick photoresist in a single pass.

Several contact modes are available, for which the space resolution is as following: This type of plasma allows high selectivity and aspect ratio etching for depths greater than microns.

IRIS: SEM Quanta + EBL RAITH Elphy Quantum

Selene - High throughput KW E. It works with substrates up to ekphy in diameter. The small address grid allows placement of structures with very high accuracy. Programmable stylus force and scan speed allow measurements on a variety of substrate materials. In ICP system the ion density and ion energy can be controlled separately. This instrument is located in clean room environment. Automatic wedge compensation can be used to ensure that the mask and the wafer are parallel.

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